May 22, 2006 by Tim Bowen / Echo
Stay away from Yahoo! web hosting, especially if you are looking to host a blog or will be using Permalinks. I was turned onto Yahoo’s business hosting offerings through a “featured provider” link on the WordPress site (this has since been removed) and was very impressed with the amount of bandwidth and storage capabilities they… Read more »
April 17, 2006 by Tim Bowen / Echo
An interesting study by Jakob Nielsen from came out today. It does a nice job of showing how a users eyes navigate through a website in an “F” pattern. Read the article here.
April 14, 2006 by Tim Bowen / Echo
After recently launching the new Creative Slice website we had the opportunity to upgrade our webstats package. While AWStats was working relatively well the results were always exaggerated and we were not able to track a visitors path through the site.
April 9, 2006 by Tim Bowen / Echo
The term “Everywhere Internet” in regard to accessing the internet from computers, cell phones, and PDA’s was coined by Brian Gunzenhauser on November 9th, 2005 (this name has also been used by a large internet cafe in AU for years). Brian also works with Creative Slice on many web standards projects. We will be exploring… Read more »
April 9, 2006 by Tim Bowen / Echo
One of our associates, Russ Rotondi, created these Stop Wars shirts a few years ago and after Natalie Portman wore one, while hosting Saturday Night Live, he’s starting to get some well deserved attention (as well as quite a few imitators). If you are looking for the ORIGINAL (2002) Stop Wars T Shirt, conjured up… Read more »