Pages are the foundation of your website and contain all of the content outside of the Blog or News area.
How to create a new page:
- Go to the Pages tab and choose Add New
- Type in the Title and Page content. You can format the content (bold, italic, list items, etc.) by using the menu bar above the post just as you would in any word processing program.
- Use the Upload/Insert icons above the menu bar to add images or other media (pdf, docs, etc.) as needed and insert them into the post.
- Under the Attributes box choose a Parent for this page to be placed under. This will determine where the page is located in the menu.
- On the right box push the Save Draft button to save the post for later editing, or the Publish button to make the post live.
Optional Items
- Under the Attributes tab you may also choose a Template. Some themes we design require different page templates for different types of content.
- The All in One SEO plugin & Platinum SEO plugin both let you add information for search engines. This Title, Description and Keywords will replace the default information for this post.